Every day people arrive at our offices to help on the campaign. I find it uplifting that so many hard working people are committed to bringing about change. If you would like to be involved simply fill out our volunteer form and we will get in touch.
Dear Friends,
Colorado has and always will be a state of opportunity and unmatched beauty. I am privileged to wake up every morning with the Rockies to my west and the rolling plains to my east … Read more ...
Join us for food, drink and good company. Meet fellow supporters and learn about volunteer opportunities with the campaign.
In conjunction with the opening party, we are asking supporters to bring a can of food for the Larimer County Food Bank. The Food Bank needs peanut butter, canned dinners, canned tomato products, cereal or canned fruit for donation to the Larimer County Food Bank.
Please RSVP to
or call 970-221-1473.
© 2007 Markey for Congress
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P.O. 1333, Fort Collins, CO 80522-1333 tel: 970 221 1473 fax: 301 562 7819 email: